• Facts
  • Background
  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Impact


01/2020 to 02/2022


Horizon 2020


Coordination & Support Action



Project Background

Ageing presents one of the greatest socio-economic challenges of the 21st century. According to estimates more than 20% of Europeans will be 65 or older by 2025. Reacting to related puzzlements of demographic shifts and ageing in general, and guaranteeing the availability of the required structure to help Europe utilise the active and healthy ageing sector’s opportunities, the EU has devoted a high level of resources to ICT projects in the field of active and healthy ageing. As such a considerable number of open source platforms for the development of innovative solutions in the AHA domain have been created.

The PlatformUptake.eu project will assess the societal impact of these existing platforms, create monitoring and evaluation toolkits, collect successful user stories and best practices, promote interoperability and define guidelines for a common evolution of such platforms within existing policy frameworks and initiatives. Seeking to support the large-scale uptake of the platforms, the project proposes the creation of an online information hub which provides descriptive and support materials on all existing platforms, the organisation of several stakeholder events, as well as a Massive Open Online Course for promoting synergies, knowledge exchange and a common understanding among all stakeholders in the Active and Healthy Ageing market.

Project Objectives


IDENTIFY critical success factors of the development, deployment and spread of open platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain, through a sophisticated tailor-made monitoring methodology.


DEVELOP monitoring and self-evaluation tools to support platform providers and users self-assess their success, uptake, capability gaps and evolution potentials through smart assessment and visualisation tools.


ANALYSE existing platforms based on the created methodology, by assessing the projects and initiatives hosted by them, their further evolution, uptake, sustainability and socioeconomic benefits.


INVOLVE end-user communities and related stakeholders to initiate a knowledge exchange cycle for collecting insights on best practices and challenges of platforms’ uptake, evolution and costs etc.


LEVERAGE the platform uptake by their user communities as well as their continuous improvement and expansion, by elaborating and showcasing best-practice models and evaluation guidelines.


DISSEMINATE the acquired knowledge to end-users for increasing their uptake of existing platforms, and promote best practice models and identified benefits to foster future developments.

Project Methodology

The PlatformUptake.eu will deliver an inventory of the state of the art and analyse the use of open service platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing domain, covering both open platforms -such as UniversAAL, FIWARE and partly-open/proprietary platforms developed by industry, and address the interactions between these platforms.

To measure the impacts of such platforms and enhance their uptake, the project proposal presents a methodology for monitoring open platform development, adoption and spread across Europe, by listing key factors that determine success or hinderance in their uptake by the end-user groups, and also the evolution of their ecosystems and stakeholder networks.

The proposed methodology shall be employed in the project to evaluate the use of open platforms by collecting and processing data from past and currently running European projects and other initiatives that are built upon such platforms. Following the knowledge acquisition, the project will elaborate evaluation guidelines and best practice models of integrating multiple platforms, taking account of technical, organisational, financial/business and legal aspects.

Following the assessment of the ecosystem and output of an extended evidence on the ecosystem, the PlatformUptake.eu project will create support materials for all involved stakeholders to promote the large-scale uptake of existing platforms and also their continuous improvement. In concrete terms this action includes the creation of toolkits for Monitoring and Self-Assessment for both platform providers and platform users, the creation of an Online Information Hub which showcases all information through visually appealing smart tools, and the creation and implementation of a Massive Open Online Course and final project activities to promote synergies and knowledge exchange between the community members.

Project Impact

The PlatformUptake.eu project seeks to support the large-scale uptake of open service platforms in the AHA domain, by reviewing the current state-of-the-art of their development and uptake, acquiring evidence on their benefits an impact, creating support materials for platform hosts/providers and users and tailoring several awareness raising and promotion activities. As a Coordination and Support Action it seeks to involve all stakeholder from the AHA ecosystem in Europe to exchange knowledge on the development of novel AHA solutions based on open service platforms such as universAAL and FIWARE. Stakeholder involvement is sought to provide inputs on the state-of-the-art, to reflect on the acquired evidence, and finally to promote the created evidence and support materials. Through the extended stakeholder involvement, the project seeks to promote the knowledge exchange cycle in Europe creating a sort of virtual ‘community of practice’ that can shape policy initiatives and guidelines beyond the project funding period.


Identification of the critical success factors of open platform development, deployment, and spread;


Increased knowledge on the differences and synergies between open platforms, with regard to both their features and their interoperability on different levels (data / information / applications / services);


Evidence for the socioeconomic benefit of open service platforms;


Engagement of required stakeholders to ensure the reliability of the data collected and to maximize the value of results achieved;


Increased levels of participation by service platform providers and platform users in networking and knowledge exchange events;


Contribution to the effective implementation of relevant policy initiatives in the field;


Enhanced synergies with other European projects to make joint progress on favourable framework conditions to scaling-up digital innovation for active and healthy ageing across the EU, including standardisation.


Support packages for promoting large scale uptake and evolution of existing platforms and steering the development of new ones.


Project Background

Ageing presents one of the greatest socio-economic challenges of the 21st century. According to estimates more than 20% of Europeans will be 65 or older by 2025. Reacting to related puzzlements of demographic shifts and ageing in general, and guaranteeing the availability of the required structure to help Europe utilise the active and healthy ageing sector’s opportunities, the EU has devoted a high level of resources to ICT projects in the field of active and healthy ageing. As such a considerable number of open source platforms for the development of innovative solutions in the AHA domain have been created.

The PlatformUptake.eu project will assess the societal impact of these existing platforms, create monitoring and evaluation toolkits, collect successful user stories and best practices, promote interoperability and define guidelines for a common evolution of such platforms within existing policy frameworks and initiatives. Seeking to support the large-scale uptake of the platforms, the project proposes the creation of an online information hub which provides descriptive and support materials on all existing platforms, the organisation of several stakeholder events, as well as a Massive Open Online Course for promoting synergies, knowledge exchange and a common understanding among all stakeholders in the Active and Healthy Ageing market.

Project Facts


01/2020 to 02/2022


Horizon 2020


Coordination & Support Action



Project Objectives


IDENTIFY critical success factors of the development, deployment and spread of open platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain, through a sophisticated tailor-made monitoring methodology.


DEVELOP monitoring and self-evaluation tools to support platform providers and users self-assess their success, uptake, capability gaps and evolution potentials through smart assessment and visualisation tools.


ANALYSE existing platforms based on the created methodology, by assessing the projects and initiatives hosted by them, their further evolution, uptake, sustainability and socioeconomic benefits.


INVOLVE end-user communities and related stakeholders to initiate a knowledge exchange cycle for collecting insights on best practices and challenges of platforms’ uptake, evolution and costs etc.


LEVERAGE the platform uptake by their user communities as well as their continuous improvement and expansion, by elaborating and showcasing best-practice models and evaluation guidelines.


DISSEMINATE the acquired knowledge to end-users for increasing their uptake of existing platforms, and promote best practice models and identified benefits to foster future developments.