
Media Owner / Content Last Responsibility / Webmaster

FN 383349 z
Otto-Bauer-Gasse 5/14
1060 Vienna

Data protection

This Privacy Policy describes how we process your personal information. The website is operated by the PlatformUptake consortium as jointly responsible for the processing in accordance with Art 4 Z 7 in conjunction with Art 26 DSGVO (hereinafter referred to as “we” or “us”). The PlatformUptake consortium consists of the following members:

FN 383349 z
Otto-Bauer-Gasse 5/14
1060 Vienna



Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IDG (FH-IGD)

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

National Technical University of Athens School of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ICCSS)

Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI)

Afedemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments BV (AFE)

Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra (CDC)

Linköping University (LIU)

Universitat de les Iles Balears (UIB)

Stitching Smart Homes (SMH)

Etablissementsa Lievens Lanckman (LL)


1. What data we process from you
When you visit this website, we collect the date, time and IP address of your visit. In addition, we process the data that you enter yourself on the website (eg in the contact form).

2. What purposes of data processing we pursue
We process your personal data for the following purposes:

to make the website available to you;
to create anonymized usage statistics;
to detect, investigate and prevent attacks on our website;
to answer your inquiries.
3. On which legal bases of processing we rely
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data for the purposes stated in 2. (i) to (iii) is our predominant legitimate interest (pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR), which consists therein of the respectively named therein To achieve purposes.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data for the purposes stated in point 2 (iv) is your consent to us to forward the data entered in the contact field to our e-mail inbox by clicking on the “Send” button (according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR). There is no obligation to actually disclose any information we ask you to submit on our website. However, if you do not, we will not be able to process your request. You can revoke this consent at any time. The revocation of consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the revocation.

4. Transmission of your personal data
For the purposes mentioned above, we will transmit your personal data to IT service providers (hosting) used by us. In the case of detected attacks on our infrastructure, which can be shown to have emanated from your IP address, we can also forward your data to the relevant (law enforcement) authorities, as appropriate.

5. How long your data will be stored
In principle, we will store your data collected during the visit to our website for a period of seven days. Longer storage will only be provided to the extent necessary to investigate identified attacks on our website.

If you provide data in connection with a request, we will only store the data as long as it is necessary to respond to the request, unless we are legally obliged to retain it for a longer period.

6. Which cookies we use
On this website, so-called cookies are used. A cookie is a small file that can be stored on your computer when you visit a website. Basically, cookies are used to provide users with additional features on a website. For example, they may be used to help you navigate a web site, to allow you to continue to use a web site where you left it, and/or to remember your preferences and preferences when you return to the web site , cookies can not access, read or modify any other data on your computer.

We use the following cookies on this website:

A session cookie, which is assigned by the content management system we use: This is automatically deleted when you leave our website.
This will be automatically deleted when you leave our website.
If you want to control cookies on your computer, you can choose your browser settings so that you receive a notification when a website wants to save cookies. You can also block or delete cookies if they have already been saved on your computer. If you would like to know more about how to set these steps, please use the “Help” function in your browser.

Please note that blocking or deleting cookies could affect your online experience and prevent you from using this website to the full.

7. What rights in connection with personal data you have
You are, among other things, entitled (under the conditions of applicable law)

(I). to request and verify information as to which personal data we have stored about you and to obtain copies of such data;

(Ii). to request the correction, addition or deletion of your personal data that is incorrect or improperly processed;

(Iii). to require us to limit the processing of your personal data;

(Iv). in certain circumstances to object to the processing of your personal data or to revoke any prior consent for processing;

(V). to require data portability in certain cases;

(Vi). to know the identity of third parties to whom your personal information is transmitted; such as

(Vii). to file a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority (