09 Jun AAL Call 2020: healthy ageing with the support of digital solutions
Earlier this year, the AAL Programme has launched a new Call for Proposals: “Healthy Ageing with the Support of Digital Solutions,” which will be open until August 8, 2020. The aim of the Call is to support innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects.
The AAL domains include solutions for ‘active living’, such as in work & training, for vitality & abilities, in leisure & culture, for information & communication, as well as for ‘assisted living’, such as in health & care, living & building, mobility & transport, safety & security.
The AAL Call 2020 is open to developing ICT-based solutions targeting any application area(s) within the AAL domain. The solutions need to be embedded in the strategies of the participating end-user organisations, service providers and business partners.
The Call allows for more flexibility regarding the scope, size and duration of the proposed projects (including small collaborative projects).
Collaborative project proposals must demonstrate a clear route to market and added-value for the different types of end-users. The wishes and aspirations of older adults in combination with the demands from the other stakeholders involved – e.g. providers and payers – will have a critical role in shaping useful and attractive AAL solutions with a high market potential. Both “Collaborative projects” (carried out by consortia composed of at least 3 organisations from 3 different countries including an end user organisation and a business partner) and “Small Collaborative Projects” (with a shorter duration and smaller budget) will be funded through this Call.
More information and application at: www.aal-europe.eu/stay-up-to-date/calls/call-2020
Search for AAL project ideas or collaboration requests at: aal-europe.force.com