06 Nov Key performance indicators of open platforms in the AHA domain
As part of its work on looking how to increase the uptake of open platforms in the Active and Health Ageing (AHA) domain, PlatformUptake.eu is defining a set of strategic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to be tracked for successful uptake, interoperability, synergies and cost-benefit analysis of those platforms.
A key performance indicator or KPI (Key Performance or Performance Indicator) is a measurable value that represents the possibility of a process or action of a company or organization, to achieve a specific objective (mainly strategic). KPIs can be used to monitor and find out if the organization is meeting the objectives set, and allow to make correct decisions quickly in case there are deviations from the strategic goals.
An analysis of current literature and practices revealed no specific or relevant KPIs that serve to measure the uptake and success of AHA platforms. This could actually mean that there is an apparent lack of strategy for platforms’ uptake. PlatformUptake.eu therefore developed a set of KPIs that can serve to establish those particular strategies.
Their definition, clustering and prioritization has been carried out following a very thorough review and methodology, based on the ICHOM methodology (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement), and according to four different perspectives defined by group of stakeholders:
- Primary End-Users (older persones, assisted persons, caregivers)
- Technology Providers (incl. platform developers, 3rd party developers, etc.),
- End-User Customers (or ‘Secondary End-Users’ such as healthcare providers, social and wellbeing organizations, etc.)
- Government (authorities, policy makers)
Each cluster represents one of the most relevant stakeholder groups for AHA/AL platforms. The KPIs included and prioritized per cluster represent how these KPIs affect these target stakeholders (i.e. how these KPIs have an impact on them, to what extent they are of their interest, to what extent the KPIs are important for them).
Ultimately, these KPIs could also be used in other different domains and for different stakeholders. For example in the education domain, aiming to assess and define indicators for eLlearning platforms, or it could be applied to the working environments aiming to evaluate platforms for online meetings and other tools for teleworking. Moreover, the final list of KPIs can serve as a reference for current and future platforms with focus on AHA, AAL, social care and health care, to understand what is important for each of the relevant stakeholders of a platform and to know what should be measured and included as part of their strategy in order to be successful in their uptake.
If you are providing/developing open platforms, or AHA/AAL solutions, or if you are (interest in) using such solutions, contact us to get involved: office@platformuptake.eu.