13 Nov PlatformUptake.eu at EIP AHA webinar on “How to upscale the implementation of digital health solutions for the elderly”
What is preventing the further upscaling of digital health solutions for the elderly? Why is it not possible for all of our grandmothers and grandfathers to have their health monitored at home, giving them more freedom, and at the same time, freeing up the capacity of our health workers?
Those were some of the questions that were addressed at a workshop hosted by the Stavanger EIP on AHA reference site on the topic of “How to upscale the implementation of digital health solutions for the elderly.”
The event made clear that digital tech companies have since long been developing a large variety of products and services that can help hospitals, municipalities and health workers to reduce costs, time spent on their computer, and provide them with the tools they need to work more efficiently.
However, many of these smart health services and products could be upscaled further. The aim of the workshop was to shed light on and identify the “bottlenecks” and showcase solutions for the further upscaling and implementation of digital health solutions for the elderly. The workshop featured insights from both the private and public sector, academia, and more importantly, older people themselves.
PlatformUptake.eu was obviously perfectly placed to join the discussion re. upscaling and uptake of existing platforms and solutions. Besides an introduction to the ongoing project work and analysis of open platforms, also some basic examples of the ‘ecosystem’ of open platforms and AHA (Active & Healthy Ageing) and AAL (Active Assisted Living) solutions were provided.
More information about the webinar is available at https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/events/how-upscale-implementation-digital-health-solutions-elderly_en.
The PlatformUptake.eu presentation that was made at the workshop can be found here.