15 Dec AAL Call 2021 – Advancing Inclusive Health & Care Solutions for Ageing Well in the New Decade
AAL, the European Active Assisted Living Programme, has published its Call for project proposals for the year 2021. The aim of the Call is to support innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects.
The aim of the AAL Programme is to improve the autonomy, participation in social life, skills, and employability of older adults by providing innovative ICT/digital-based solutions. These solutions, whether they are products, systems or services, aim to enhance the older adults’ quality of life, to improve the long-term sustainability of health and care systems, and to strengthen the industrial base in Europe and internationally.
The ageing population brings new challenges as well as new opportunities with regard to many areas of our daily lives while having an increasing impact on our health & care systems as well as our labour markets. This is especially relevant today as the whole globe is confronted with an unprecedented health threat, the Covid-19 pandemic, which particularly affects older adults. Digital solutions in health and care can support the wellbeing of older adults in many areas of their daily lives at home and in their communities. They can also support care professionals and informal carers and help tap into the labour potential of active and healthy older people.
While keeping an open call approach (i.e. open to all 8 AAL application areas – health & care; living & building; leisure & culture; vitality & abilities; mobility & transport; work & training; safety & security; information & communication), the 2021 Call would like to stress three elements, namely:
- inclusive health & care approach (health prevention, preservation of physical & mental health, social participation),
- stimulation and upscaling of innovation in active & healthy ageing through health & care eco-systems,
- accessibility of digital solutions to end users, e.g. through education for greater e-literacy.
More info at http://www.aal-europe.eu/call-2021.
The full text of the call is available at http://www.aal-europe.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Call-Text-2021-final.pdf.