29 May AAL solutions supporting older adults during the coronavirus outbreak
Older adults are being particularly affected by the current Coronavirus outbreak. To protect lives, public authorities urge older adults to stay at home and be particularly vigilant of any contact with other people.
Unfortunately, that creates a new set of challenges that can affect other pre-existing health concerns, including mental health consequences. In order to support those in need with possible tools to stay connected with their family and community as well as to feel safe at home, the AAL Programme has supported a number of solutions, which are available in the market today.
The AAL Programme was created with the mission to improve the quality of life of older adults, their families and carers, and thereby support the sustainability of our health and care systems. In the current situation, the developed AAL solutions can potentially also alleviate the challenges created by the social distancing and measures of quarantine in different countries.
The AAL Association is presenting a number of solutions that support ‘the prevention of social isolation’ and ‘feeling safe and secure at home’. All of the solutions are available for potential users and can alleviate different challenges older adults often experience, when trying to preserve their autonomy and health in their own home environments.
More information and an overview of these specific solutions is available at: www.aal-europe.eu/available-aal-solutions-supporting-older-adults-to-cope-with-the-consequences-of-the-coronavirus-outbreak