01 Oct PlatformUptake.eu at eHealth 2020 International Conference
PlatformUptake.eu was present at the (virtual) eHealth2020 International Conference which took place on October 1st, 2020. The event was organized by the Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth, and also served as their 25th Finnish National Conference on Telemedicine and eHealth.
An introduction to PlatformUptake.eu was presented in one of the conference sessions. In addition to the aims of the project, also an overview was provided of the platforms that are currently being analyzed by the project, and a call was made to all participants to join the project activities and share the experience they have with open platforms and applications for active and health ageing.
According to the organizers, the use and demand of digital services skyrocketed in a short period of time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But fortunately, we do not have to start from scratch when it comes to the digitalisation of healthcare services, since a lot of experience and knowledge has already been built up in the past years. As digitalisation progresses, the role of the individual citizen (young and old!) becomes increasingly important.
The 2020 conference covered themes around updating the knowledge about international and Nordic eHealth trends and solutions, personalized care, digital competence in health, citizens as users of digital health, eHealth and eWelfare in practice, and co-creation orchestration.
PlatformUptake.eu’s participation gave the project an opportunity to interact and discuss on the topics of active and healthy ageing with Finnish and international participants.
Info about the conference is available at https://www.telemedicine.fi/en/national-conferences/ehealth2020-international-conference-2020-new.